Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Merry Little Christmas 2014

Christmas is our favorite holiday. Not only because we get fun gifts like these
Stocking stuffers, literally.
And a big 'ol keyboard from Santa,
But also because we get to celebrate and decorate in light of the birth of our Savior, the Messiah.

Christmas day was a merry little one, with our two little ones. It was so fun to see Reina prepare for Santa and his reindeer with fudge (no time to bake cookies!), carrots, and a picture she drew for him.
We always begin with stockings, then breakfast. Reina really wanted oatmeal for breakfast. Score! Easy and healthy! Then it was time to read Luke 2; the story of Jesus' birth.

Favorite gifts this year? Reina says it was her Frozen journal and clothes. I was totally surprised as I spent very little or thought on these. I guess my love of clothes is rubbing off. Oops!
Paul's favorite was a grip for a gun. Yep, pretty lackluster. While snapping the photo, I said to Paul to look excited. He made "creepy guy" face.
Baelor's favorite gift were these foam snowballs that Uncle Bryan and Aunt Wendy gave us. We had a spectacular indoor snowball fight since there was no hope of any outside.
My favorite gift was a circular sander. Yippee! Oh, and a fanny pack. I hope I'm not growing a beard?!?
I sure do love my little family!
We are sometimes serious and are ready to bop each other on the heads
Sometimes we are completely silly and yes, laugh at each other
We went super casual this year since it was just us. I think Paul especially appreciated not having to
 dress up. We quickly set the timer to snap a couple shots.

I am grateful that we have extended family nearby. On Christmas eve we only had to go a few minutes away at my sister Sanni's house for a potluck dinner. Of course Mummi, Papa Will and cousin Karter joined us. We are lucky to get together so often; yet another blessing.

 We even joined Mummi in making Finnish pulla bread! We should do this every year!

I am blessed that despite health struggles, I physically feel good. Although I may have just two children, they get lots of loves from us.

Despite having a disease, I am able to have a fulfilling life and a positive future ahead.
I love my pink scarf for $2.50 at Goodwill, and a pink room can have Christmas decor, right?
On Christmas Eve, we were able to see Grandpa Scarborough in the hospital. He is having some health concerns right now, but it was a good time playing Chutes & Ladders and Zingo with him. How did he manage to get them gifts even without being able to go shopping. He always seems to surprise us!
Christmas dinner was apparently delicious according to Paul who kept complimenting me over and over with moans and yums.
The ham I have to credit to Costco. I blended yukon gold potatoes (my favorite) with brussel sprouts, broccoli, and sauteed onions and baked simply with salt and coconut oil. Even Reina asked for more onions! Since it was just us I could experiment with making a sugar-free dessert. I did a nut and pretzel base with cream cheese, pudding, and cream layers. I must have fooled everyone in a diabetic-friendly dessert. Although anything looks pretty in a fancy little flute.
We are truly blessed each and every day of the year, with each passing year because of Him. He lived a perfect life and loved us each so dearly that He suffered and atoned for us. I've had too many moments where my mind cannot comprehend the act that He performed. Even for Him, our Savior pleaded with His Father to remove this cup that He had to bear. Even Him. Someone who was created pure and of godliness. Even He needed to call upon His Father. I am forever in His debt and to whom I try everyday to be better. I should not make His life and atonement be in vain. What a joy it is to have this wonderful opportunity to be reunited with Him and our Heavenly Father again! I look forward in continuing to learn and grow, even if it may be arduous and full of bumps to be reunited with my family in our Father's kingdom!

1 comment:

Julie Barnes said...

Love it! Children make Christmas so special! It has quickly become our favorite holiday as well.