Sunday, February 22, 2015

Where Did January and February Go?

I happenend to hop onto the blog and realized I haven't posted anything since the kids' birthdays! Aye! Nothing spectacular has been happening at home, but it's always nice to refresh at least the few highlights and lowlights of the weeks past! We'll start with the lowlights to get it over with. Sickness. Ever since Christmas break when both Reina and Baelor were sick (may I remind you that I had two weeks off of work) for a good chunk of the time, Reina did not recover. She has missed, I think nine days since school started with a few of them being absences from Disneyland. She is becoming well-known in the health room at school. The majority of the time it is for something completely unnecessary, but there has been a couple of times where she actually has had a fever! We've had a discussion about not going to the healthroom unless you are REALLY sick. Well, a couple of those times she really was. She just hasn't shaken her cold yet. The cough has been there for weeks and then all of a sudden it's drippy nose again or fever. I have really been trying to figure it out because she has never been sick so often like this. Our new plan that I had to discuss with her teacher is that she be allowed a snack after first recess. I found out the kindergarteners do not eat lunch until 12:50! Her body has been needing that mid-morning energy boost. Hopefully this addition will help. She has said that having a snack has helped out a lot.

Baelor has also been sick, but just a bout of throw-up one night and now coughing. He is just at a difficult stage for us because he defies what you ask of him and gets into everything if you don't keep a constant eye on him. I understand that he is discovering his surroundings and that it is a good sign of a sharp mind, but I get tired of finding the beads or puzzles or cauliflower that I happened to leave out strewn across two rooms. We are happy to announce that Baelor is starting to go potty every once in a while when we ask him to. He even made a poopy! We know this is going to be a long process because he can be a bit lazy about things if it's not his idea.
 Paul has somehow avoided the most recent bug in our home. Yeah, after writing this he suddenly came down with what we have. Hopefully it won't last as long though. He hurt his back at the gym one day and for at least a week that kept him not so happy or mobile. I, on the other hand almost avoided the icky cold until the end of January. I think it all started when I woke to tooth pain and had to get a root canal. That weekend was no fun as there was really nothing we could do about seeing the dentist on a weekend. My sweet husband and brother filled in and helped me out. Paul and I drove to my brother's dental office ( 7 hours away) when the office was reopened for the work week and got it taken care of. I had to cancel my driver education class for the very first time ever! When you don't feel well and you have to send texts or calls to many people, it is hard to stay focused. The highlight of our quick 26 hour trip was that we went to see "Unbroken" with my brother Teem and his wife Emily. I highly recommend it.
 I recently joined a book club with some other ladies in our ward. I feel so special to belong to a "girl" group. Ever since college I somehow have never felt very connected to the ladies in any of my wards, nor women in general. I just seem to get along better conversationally with men. I've been striving to be more attentive in conversations with ladies in our ward. I guess it paid off since they asked me to join a book club! Yeah! This is a big deal for me. I do believe much of it has to do with the fact that I do work (so playdates are very infrequent), and I work with teenage children. I don't have that ability to make plans with other moms. I do look forward to this "friendship time" when I can be a stay-at-home mom. What will I do with all of my "free" time? I know, it's not easy!
Dental Cleaning Day! Look how sweet they were holding hands for support!
Back to my root canal! After about a week of that mess and Paul feeling better we realized that January had passed. I think we went a couple weeks without really talking to each other because one of us was in pain one week, and the other the next week! Since I had to take antibiotics for the root canal and the massive amounts of ibuprofen (at least for me), it took a toll on my body and I caved. I got that super-long cough and once in awhile fever that Reina got. Ugh! Still trying to recover. I don't think my current class even knows what I am like without being sick!
I don't let sickness get me down though. I've kept substituting and working and being a mom. I might have slacked on being a pleasant wife though. We've had a few fun highlights these past weeks. We finally went on a date the other night since the first of the year! It was nice to go out to dinner with Paul's brother Steve and his girlfriend (now fiance!) Katie. (A quick reminder that I was good friends with Katie from sixth through ninth grade). We get along so easily as couples so it's really been refreshing to truly enjoy "couples" time. We met some of Steve's friends at karaoke afterwards and had a good time singing, dancing and playing pool. (I couldn't sing due to my cold, but I cheered plenty for everyone who did sing- okay of course just the Guinn boys sang). Next time I'm sure us girls will sing though. They both did a fabulous job as always.

One bug that I am so happy I caught these past few months has been the dancing bug! I have REALLY enjoyed ballroom dancing lately. It's almost like a drug where if I could do it every night, I would. Paul has been such a sweetheart in letting me go a couple of times a week. We had such a fun time at our church's stake Valentine's dance where we laugh, eat and boogie the night away!
For Valentine's Day/President's weekend, the weather was just perfect for a couple bike rides, soccer at the park with Grandma and Grandpa Guinn, and celebrating Reina's first Valentine's party at school. She made homemade Valentines for her whole class and even Baelor got to help make the cookies. He calls all cookies "cookie monster". It's so cute when he says he "wants a cookie monster." I actually had fever the day we made cookies for her class (after a fever during substituting in a special education class and taking Reina to dance class). I just pretended that I was a really good mom who makes pink cookies and has a special moment with my children. They didn't know I really just wanted to go lay down for the next 15 hours.
 One other highlight has been a new calling in church for me. I have been in Primary for years now. I have loved it, but sometimes I get tired of preparing a lesson each week. I am now an Activity Days leader. Twice a month I will lead all the 8-11 year old girls in different activities to fulfill their Faith in God achievements. This is not an easy calling, but I can see it being very fulfilling. I do love this age :)
And together, Paul and I are in charge of our ward's talent show! There is a lot of work but we are excited to see how it all will go. I'll probably write a separate post about this.  
During a visit to the doctor to get some blood work done, I cam out to the car to find someone scratched it without leaving a note...I had a fever and a very full day of work also. Not a good day.


Julie Barnes said...

Oh, Aliisa! I hear you on not having many "girl friends" after college. I think, as a busy wife and mother, there isn't much time left for friends. You are doing so great! I love catching up with you on your blog.

Eunice Greer said...
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Eunice Greer said...

Time really flies ever so fleetingly. Sure. there are starts and stops and what could seem like insufferable inconveniences, though some of the latter are really rewarding in the long run. Anyway, it's a relief that you've already dealt with the tooth pain that was making you uncomfortable and faced undergoing root canal bravely. Also, your kids holding hands while they were having their teeth cleaned is such a joy to see. Isn't it just a most welcome feeling if you are keeping up to all your commitments? Thanks for sharing that! I wish your family all the best!

Eunice Greer @ Downtown Dental

Anonymous said...

Those photos are great! Your kids are adorable, and it seems like they had a pretty great time with their dental visit. Anyway, getting a root canal is tough, and it takes a lot of getting used to while recovering. Anyway, is nice to see the kids being supportive to each other through the cleaning. I hope they stay cavity-free and have healthy teeth and gums as they grow up. Thanks for sharing this with us, Aliisa!

Anita Campbell @ Throgs Neck Dental Offices