Friday, August 28, 2015

Third Trimester

As this last stage of my third pregnancy winds down, I feel a bit of sadness that I am done. I am not the typical girl who just can’t wait to “have her body back” and feel back to normal. I love this abnormal. I love to feel the constant kicking or alien-like maneuvers of a knee or elbow contorting my tummy. I love feeling like a real woman. With the trials I have in my life, being pregnant is probably only second to being with my husband and children as the greatest joy in my life. It is my children who are my greatest blessing and not an easy blessing for me to receive. I do have to admit that I don’t suffer from morning sickness or any other pregnancy pains that many women have. Being diabetic creates other, more long-lasting concerns and challenges with my pregnancy. Due to this disease, I have far more doctor’s appointments, stress tests, and ultrasounds to check on the baby’s development- especially in this last trimester. Surprisingly, this pregnancy has gone better than my other two! Reina showed signs of some stress, but not enough to induce too early. She was also my introduction to diabetes. With Baelor I had low amniotic fluid which required fluids via IV a couple of times. I would have never known there were any issues since both pregnancies felt great! This time, there have been no issues at all. Baby looks, sounds, and moves just perfect! If I could just keep my blood sugar controlled! But there are just certain things that I cannot help.
I’ve tried to take weekly photos of the pregnancy. For the most part I’ve done a pretty good job, but have missed some weeks here and there. It’s fun to see the changes from week to week.
I’m working all the way up to 38 weeks which is when they will induce me. I get a lot of stares and concern from parents and other teachers about teaching teenagers how to drive with being so pregnant. You would assume they feel even safer with their child, considering I am willing to put myself in this situation! I just assure them that I’ve done this two other times and still have not had a car accident to date.

27 weeks
28 weeks
29 weeks
30 weeks

31 weeks
34 weeks
36 weeks
35 weeks
36 weeks
38 weeks

Besides working, getting in little vacations and summer fun, we’ve done some projects around the house as well. It always seems I’m starting another project before finishing up one. I always wonder why I do this and vow not to take on another project, but I always fail miserably and do more than I can handle at once. It must be my need to fulfill something…not sure what though.
It was fun seeing friends I haven’t seen for a very long time at my baby shower. It was HOT if we all look greasy.

It has actually been the hottest summer in Vancouver since I can remember! Seriously, the one summer I am very pregnant is the summer it is the hottest AND we don’t have air-conditioning (why would we?). We’ve taken lots of trips to the river at Cottonwood beach since summer has been so long.

Paul and I have tried to guess whether we will have a little Reina look or a Baelor look. Or can there possibly be a third look? It seems like most families have kids that all have very similar features where you can tell they are from the same family. Our kids don’t really look like siblings- very different features so it will be interesting to see who our little guy will resemble.
We are looking forward to meeting our newest member of the family. We pray for a healthy delivery of a healthy baby boy who has a good spirit. We all love him already.
Life-long friends, Laura and Melissa, ALL pregnant!
Here are the last few pictures at 38 weeks my sister took. I have never really had "pretty pregnancy" pictures before and thought maybe when I'm an old lady I'll want to remember this beautiful stage of motherhood.

1 comment:

Julie Barnes said...

Yay for baby #3! He will be here any day now? That is so fun. You look amazing.