Sunday, July 13, 2008

WSCC Graduation

He did it! Paul graduated from Western States Chiropractic College on June 21, 2008. We are excited to be at this point in our's been a long road, but good things have happened along the way. We were happy to celebrate "the day" with so much family support. Thank you all for coming!
After the ceremony at the Oregon Convention Center we went out for a steak dinner at Sayler's Old Country Kitchen. When we pulled up to the restaurant we weren't very excited to see a 30 year old sign with a faded picture of a steak on it. Luckily the steaks turned out to be delicioso! Two surprises were in store; one for Paul and one for everybody else. Paul was surprised to get a new mountain bike. (And it was even the right color!) The second surprise was the big one...Paul announced that I am pregnant! Family, food and fertility make a great day!


Richard Davies said...

Yay! I get to be the first to comment on your blog!

Congratulations on the baby, graduation, and (finally) joining the blogosphere... ;-)

Julie Barnes said...

YEAH!!!!!! I just found out I am 8 weeks pregnant!! Congrats to paul and congrats to your family!! that is awesome.. perfect time in your life. Call me sometime. Hope you feel ok :) when are you due? Check out my blog at