Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Biggest Binki Ever!

Reina cracks us up daily, but this incident was picture worthy. Below you see a binki and a rubber octopus bath toy. Reina hasn't used a pacifier for months but she discovered the biggest binki ever and couldn't resist!

Here she is with some other silly faces:)

She looks like Grandpa Guinn in this picture when he is concentrating on a task (at least the tongue looks like him).

And below she looks just like a picture of her uncle Matt when he was about her age. Although uncle Matt is a twin to daddy so I guess it's in the genes.


Julie Barnes said...

How cute! I love the huge binki!! What an imagination!

SanniD said...

Hahahahahhaha! She must take after Paul when it comes to mouth size. Too funny!