Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Father's Day Gift from Reina

A Father's Day Gift from Reina

At the bottom of this post is the gift that Paul received from Reina. Before I share it here is a quick update of her development. If you want to skip this portion, then go to the bottom to the video.

Reina is 17 months and amazing. She goes to her Mummi's (my mom's) childcare center everyday and fits right in. She does get special treatment of course but that's what grandparents are for right? She spends hours playing outside riding on all the cars, especially the "roller-coaster" which is basically a long ramp that you ride the car down. She likes to play in the garden with Mummi and feel all the dirt and leaves between her fingers...and eat the strawberries :) When the music is on, Reina is right there dancing away! She's always the first to start moving and the last to get tired. Mummi teaches ballroom dancing and saw her practicing the Cha-Cha and now copies her by moving forward and back in the Cha-Cha motion saying in her not-quite-clear baby talk: "2-3 Cha-Cha, 2-3 Cha-Cha!" I promise I did not force this at all just because it's my passion; she picked it up all by herself- and she is GOOD for her age. I hope she will continue to like dancing as a hobby because if softball becomes her forte, I think I'd be snoring at all the games. I really did try team sports in school, but never liked them. I'm laughing thinking back when Paul and I were dating and playing the game HORSE in basketball, he'd have to copy my shot by twirling and split-leaping to make a shot!
If Reina is not busy running around in circles with her eyes closed (literally) or dancing or playing outside, then she is either "reading" or eating. Reina loves to move and she loves to eat. You can't ever sneak anything from the kitchen or in your mouth without her knowing. I think she inherited a natural LOVE for eating from both her parents, sorry Reina. At least she eats well. She eats just about anything except potatoes, meat, and pasta. If you sneak it in soup, she'll eat it all. Her favorite veggies are broccoli and cooked carrots right now, and tonight I had some brussel sprouts and she enjoyed them as well! She claps if she really likes something, like her almond butter and jam sandwich and milk...and her gummy vitamins. When Reina needs a break she grabs a book. She loves to point things out in books for her grandmas (Mummi and Grandma Guinn), so that they will say what it is. When I read to her, she especially likes how I make the ladybugs crawl up her arm and the butterflies fly into her neck- she comes to expect it at least 20 times per reading! Whew! She still has a thing for BABIES whether they are real (like the 10 month old at the daycare), in a book, in her bed, or crying on t.v.- she's got a heart for them and always treats them well. And yes, she flirts with the men...the more "mountain man" looking the more she flirts. She basically goes to nursery even though she's not quite legally 18 months, but fits in better there than climbing the piano bench in Relief Society.

Paul and I really couldn't ask for a better girl! She's got a sense of humor already with a "fake laugh" and knows if people are laughing to continue doing it- although will NOT tolerate being a puppet. She understands so well and either mumbles to respond or shakes her head yes/no. She sleeps through the night 95% of the time (since she's stopped nursing). She is happy with routine (which for now makes our lives easier). She's a trooper when sick. She is sympathetic if someone is sad. She doesn't like to get in trouble. She's a good eater. She's sharp; nothing passes her. She has rhythm. She's happy most of the time. She likes to sing. Can you tell that we are really proud parents? Here is that cute video for daddy's Father's Day surprise:


Julie Barnes said...

Oh wow, the video is so cute!! She is so so big!! I can't believe her and Edward are only a month apart. We have to meet up someday so the two of them can play. :)

Haley, Brad, and the gang said...

kellen just watched his cousin's video with rapt attention! she is adorable!

Paul said...

I think I've watched this like 5 times today! Can't get enough of that girl!