Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Run, Reina Run!

Funny Moment:
Yesterday, Reina had a super late nap, which didn't end until 5pm. I thought, "How am I ever gonna get her to bed at a decent hour?" So we decided after our late dinner at 7pm to go for a little walk and enjoy what appears to be the last week of summer. Don't even get me started with the weather this summer! I don't consider 5 weeks of summer very fair in the Pacific Northwest! So usually Reina will walk about halfway on our 30 minute walk, and then we get bored of walking so slow and persuade her to go in the stroller where she can have milk or fruit snacks. But no, this little 2 1/2 year old decided to run for .7 miles! Paul figured how long our usual loop is and determined she ran this distance. I'm not talking about running, then walking a little. She ran on the sidewalk the whole time! About 3/4 the way into our walk she finally said with an exhausted tone, "I need to go in the stroller." I wish I had my video camera as she was pedaling those little legs in her little Nike's, form-fitting leopard pj's, and stocking hat! Needless to say, she didn't even ask for more water once she was tucked into bed. She was out!

Another Funny Moment:
I guess Reina heard her daddy say that I am his wife. So at least once a day the past couple of weeks, Reina has been calling me Mommywife. She'll say, "I love my mommywife."

1 comment:

Julie Barnes said...

wow! How fun and awesome! I love your new family picture you posted. SO beautiful.