Sunday, October 5, 2014


We officially have a school-aged kid! It's kind of surreal, considering Reina is going to the same elementary school I did. Since I teach an after-school program at Mountain View High School, I am not home when school gets out. Luckily, my mom has a great preschool/childcare center and Reina gets to walk with her friends to and from school. I like to walk to school with the crowd that leaves my mom's house on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to a workout class at the gym that starts promptly at 9am (unless I am substituting).

Sooo excited to walk to school the first day!
Baelor has joined our walks a couple of times, but his little legs are just too slow and I have to end up carrying him. I try to sneak out and just walk with the school kids so I don't have to carry him the majority of the way.

The first week, Reina had Mrs. Harris. She liked her since she came home from school happy and eager for the next day, but one day we got a letter home saying that they have too many 2nd graders and not enough kindergarteners and therefore have to rearrange some teachers and students. To make a long story short, they created a mixed kindergarten/1st grade class to even things out. There were 3 students selected from Mrs. Harris' class to join the mixed class. Reina was one of them since they tested her on various skills and levels, and also the ability to be self-directed. I was happy to hear that she excelled, yet I am a little hesitant at what this "mixed" class will be like. I talked with the principal and we decided if she was not coming home happy as she usually was, then we could move her back to Mrs. Harris' class. To date, she seems to have no issues. Although I am wondering what they do all day considering she rarely comes home with anything; and if she does, it's a coloring page.

When I was Reina's age, I loved Barbies! I loved them up until age 13 and realized I was a little too old to be playing with them still. Reina plays with them for about 2 minutes and then wants to get up and do something, like eat or play outside. Why am I talking about Barbies? I am reliving my childhood love of Barbies through Reina by picking out outfits for her. Yep, I snapped pictures since the first day of school. Some days she has PE which is why she is wearing PE appropriate clothing. As you can also tell, she wasn't very happy to take a picture EVERY morning. I get it. Super annoying. Thanks for putting up with me Reina. Now if it were 100% up to me what she wore, I'd jazz up and all. She is not a big fan of hair things and hair styles so most days I had to keep it really simple. We both are happy to bend a little to appease each other. She is being quite sweet about letting me help her choose her outfits...most days. The weekend she gets to choose completely what crazy and mix-matched outfit she wants. Most of her clothes are either hand-me-downs or consignment. That's how I do little kid clothes.

Her favorite things about school are in this order: PE, Recess, Music, Library, Lunch
She likes when I pack her peanut butter because then she gets to go to the "Peanut Butter Table". Apparently everyone is allergic to nuts. I don't seem to remember this as a child?!? (insert sarcasm)

We got a little worried when on the first day of school, she comes home to report that she wants to kiss a boy named Jack in her class. Yikes! She is her father's daughter. Luckily, she only mentioned kissing someone this one time. Come to find out, there are boys chasing her at recess trying to kiss HER. Reina did NOT want to get kissed because the boy had snot running down his face. Phew!

I think this is a nice school picture...don't you?

1 comment:

Julie Barnes said...

AWE! Kindergarten!! So cool she is in a kinder/1st grade class. Sounds exciting. I, also, loved barbies until I was 16. Edward does not like to dress up at all. Not even jeans. HA! Oh well.